#1: Suffice
verb (used
without object) 1. to
be enough
or adequate,
as for needs, purposes, etc.
verb (used with object)
2. to be enough or adequate for; satisfy.
--That apple pie will suffice
#2: Promiscuous
Adjective 1.characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association,
especially having sexual relations with a number
of partners
on a casual basis.
--Sally acted very promiscuous last
#3: Odyssey
Noun. 1. An epic poem
attributed to Homer, describing Odysseus's adventures in his ten-year attempt to return home to Ithaca after
the Trojan War.
2. A long
series of
wanderings or adventures, especially when
filled with notable experiences, hardships, etc.
--The Trout family went on odyssey last weekend.
#4: Penchant
Noun. 1. A strong inclination, taste or liking for something
--A penchant for outdoors
#5: Rue
Verb (with object) 1. To feel sorrow over; repent of; regret
--To rue the loss of opportunites
2. to wish
that (something) had never been done, taken place.
--I rue the day he was born
3. To
feel sorrow, repentance, regret
Noun. Pity, compassion, sorrow, repentance/regret
#6: Circumspect
Adjective. 1. Watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent;
--He had a circumspect behavior
2. well
--He had a circumspect ambition to climb the mountain
#7: Skew
Verb (used without object) 1. To turn aside or swerve; take
an oblique course
2. to
look obliquely; squint
Verb (used with object) 1. To give an oblique direction to;
shape, form or cut obliquely
2. To
make conform to a specific concept, attitude, or planned result; slant
--The television was skewed.
3. To
distort; depict unfairly
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